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Finding a Show Horse is challenging. It is easy to find a horse, they are everywhere but finding one that will
walk into the show ring and let you be the superstar you have worked so hard to become is a big challenge. We have all had horses we have invested time and resources into and then on the day of the horse show, everything seems to falls apart. You have brought everyone with you to the horse show to show off
your hard work and progress and when it is time to perform, you put on the wrong kind of show. I have had this happen more often than not. I have plenty of success stories, sure, but the successes never met my expectations to the level of my aspirations. That is how this organization began. It started with the desire to go to the horse show and be compatible with horses that want what I want.
It can be tough to hear and understand that a horse just doesn’t want to do the job, no matter what you have
done or invested. For those of us who aspire for more, we need horses that will walk in the ring with us as competitors and not be overwhelmed by our expectations.
The challenge becomes where do we find these horses? We all aspire for that Cinderella story of rags to
riches where we stumble across that diamond in the rough that can be more. The problem is that is a
fairytale. The truth is: quality show horses are out there, but they are not in your backyard. You have to
go and find them.
So where are they and where can you find them? That is an excellent question. This is another hard truth, there are few people that actually know what a quality show horse looks or acts like. That is
where this story actually beings.
It is a rare experience to cross paths with someone of like mind, desire, and drive. When that happens magic begins. Many people can talk the game but not many people deliver. When the founders of Queen Anne’s Equine Imports paths crossed, a long-term partnership was instantly established and
Queen Anne’s Equine Imports was formed.
With our diverse skillset and experiences, we have learned what a true equine competitor is and where
to find them. We know what the expectations are because we have them too. We have broadened our
horizons to seek out the horses that will cater to the needs of a competitive equestrian.
I would love to tell you that all the nice horses are in the United States but that is simply not the case.
While there are many nice horses in the United States, some do not meet the criteria to be competitive in
the show ring. Equestrian Competition is one of the oldest sports to span the globe. With that in mind
the horses that meet the needs of the competition, for which we are so passionate, also span the globe.
We aspire to bring those horses to the United States and set the bar for quality imports and equines. We
have dedicated countless years to searching for these horses and having them available for competition.
That is the dream, that is the vision and that is why Queen Anne’s Equine Imports was formed. We
intend to take this sport to the next level with our horses, backed by reputation

Our Story: About Me
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